The Quranic Cure to the New Age Spirituality Trap

Helping muslims and non-muslims free themselves from this sinister deception...

Understanding the problem before moving to the cure....


Many of us are intuitively aware of the fact that new age spirituality is on the rise. Dogmas that were often shunned in the past (i.e. Buddhism, Hinduism, Spirituality, Mysticism and Esotericism) are becoming increasingly accepted and practiced today. The present state of the world is such that many people are being drawn to a new breed of Spirituality, thinking that they have found the holy Grail of the spiritual realm. At the core of this spirituality lies the idea of consciousness and spiritual evolution. So what exactly is the problem with incorporating such aspects into your daily practices?

The fundamental problem of this new wave of spirituality lies in the fact that it beautifies its presence whilst masking its true sinister form. It is a master of deception beyond human comprehension. To understand the reality that underlies this new wave of spirituality, it is important to first systematically dissect it until we reach the root of the problem...

The premise of new age spirituality comes from the idea that the path to true spiritual enlightenment begins as soon as we establish a connection with the universe. Upon doing so, individuals will begin to tap into universal energy which is freely accessible to all. Such energy can then be channeled in various different ways to meet a specific objective. Examples of how this energy can be used include practices such as Reiki, Transcendental Meditation, Energy-based healing, Kundalini Shakti and Yoga among many others.. The rules are simple; There are no rules.

It may be tempting to argue that there is nothing morally (or ethically) wrong about practicing spirituality in this way. However, the deception begins to slowly unfold itself as soon as we realize that many of us are making use of this universal energy without questioning what it is and where it actually comes from!

The purpose of this site is to help any of you out there (muslim or non-muslim) free yourselves from the clutches of this deceptive spirituality.

Readers are encouraged to browse relevant sections of this website to find answers to their particular problems (or doubts).

Alternatively, you can start reading some unquestionable and undeniable evidence that will show you the true face of spiritual energy (In the section Spiritual Energy).