The Quranic Cure to the New Age Spirituality Trap

Helping muslims and non-muslims free themselves from this sinister deception...

Establishing a connection with the Universe is impossible during the month of Ramadan...


Although many new age spiritualists have their own views about universal energy, they all have one thing in common.. the belief that spiritual energy is infinitely abundant and always accessible at will...

If this is true then.....

Where does this infinite source of energy go during the month of Ramadan?

Be it Reiki, Kundalini, Chakra stimulation or anything remotely associated with modern day spirituality, one thing is certain...

Nobody (and I mean nobody!) is able to successfully execute any of these practices during the month of Ramadan.

If in doubt, you can try performing any modern-day spiritual techniques during the following dates (which mark the beginning and end of Ramadan for the consecutive years 2020, 2021 and 2022):


Between 23rd of April 2020 and 23rd of May 2020

Between 12th of April 2021 and 11th of May 2021

Between 2nd of April 2022 and 1st of May 2022


The result is guaranteed failure to perform any form of energy-work during these dates...


The significance of Ramadan in the context of spiritual energy

It was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“When Ramadaan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained up.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3277; Muslim, 1079.

At this point, readers are encouraged to try to understand the essence of the above statement (made by the seal of the Prophets who passed away in 632 AD in Medina).

During the month of Ramadan, the devils are chained up. The pleural use of the word Devil refers to Satan himself together with his armies of Jinn (entities made of smokeless fire, which are not normally visible to the human eye). These entities are free to roam around the earth during the other 11 months of every single year, except for the month of Ramadan in each year. 

If Jinn are chained up during Ramadan and occult practices fail to utilize spiritual energy during this month, is it so inconceivable that these unseen entities are the very same spiritual energy used by new age spiritualists?

Questions that we should ask ourselves...

1) Why dont occult spiritual practices (such as Reiki for instance) work during this specific month of every year? Why does the month of Ramadan prevent such universal dynamics from manifesting?

2) Where does all the spiritual energy go during the month of Ramadan? Why does it only disappear during this month of each year?

3) How can spiritual energy be infinite and always accessible if you cant utilize it during Ramadan?