The Quranic Cure to the New Age Spirituality Trap

Helping muslims and non-muslims free themselves from this sinister deception...

Quranic Protocol to clear your house of spiritual energy

If you are having trouble with getting rid of spiritual energy from your house but dont know how to do it, please follow these steps....


1. Make sure that there are no photographs or pictures visible anywhere in the house.. If you have photos on any of the walls, remove them (for now) and put them away somewhere so that they cannot be seen.

2. If there is music playing anywhere in the house, turn it off! It is important that music is not heard anywhere in the house.

3. Switch off the TV throughout the duration of the procedure.

4. If there is any alcohol visible in the house (i.e. wine bottles, beer etc), put it away so that it cannot be seen.

5. If there are any magazines (anything with pictures on them), put them away so that the pictures cannot be seen.

6. Play the audio recitation of Chapter 2 (Surah Bakra) of the Quran. You can find it on youtube at:

Make sure it is loud so that the recitation can be heard clearly.

Also, make sure that the recitation is played from start to end without interruption. It will take roughly 2 hours to finish! If you dont want to stay in the house during this time, you can leave the house and come back after 2 hours.

Expected Results: 

1) You will no longer feel any spiritual energy in those areas of the house where the recitation could be heard. For this reason, you should repeat the process for other areas of the house so that you cover the entire house...

2) If the recitation is played during the day, the spiritual energy will not be able to enter your house for 3 consecutive days during the daytime.  If played during the night, the spiritual energy will not be able to enter your house for 3 consecutive nights during the night. For optimal results, you should play the recitation once during the day and once during the night (before going to sleep) so that your house will remain protected for 3 consecutive days and nights.

Significance of Chapter 2 of the Quran in the context of spiritual energy

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Do not turn your houses into graveyards. Verily, Satan flees from the house in which Surat al-Baqarah is recited.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 780