The Quranic Cure to the New Age Spirituality Trap

Helping muslims and non-muslims free themselves from this sinister deception...

What you think are Angels are actually Jinn..

Look at how we (as a human civilization) have changed over time. It takes a moment of reflection to see how much we have changed since the Dark Ages. Here we are today, interacting with each other wirelessly through packets and packets of invisible data flowing across continents.

In the same way that we have developed over time, so have Jinn

In the Quran, Jinn have been described as follows:

Sahih International: And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire. (Quran, Chapter 55, Verse 15)


If you have ever looked inside of a burning flame, you will see that the smokeless part of the flame is blue in color... Blue is the true color of the Jinn. They can sometimes be seen as orbs, particles, stripes etc moving haphazardly against the pitch black background of your bedrooms late at night. At other times, they can be sensed by the corner of your eyes as subtle shadows that swiftly disappear as soon as you make an attempt to track them with your eyes...


Just like mankind harbours a broad repertoire of abilities and skills varying from one individual to the next, Jinn also have different skills and abilities across jinnkind. They even have different cultures and belief systems the way we do.

The most noteworthy ability of today´s Jinn is that they have become incredibly adept at masquerading as Angels. This is why so many people are falling victim to new age spirituality. These are some of the things that people experience when they are in-tune with their spirituality:

1) Overwhelming feeling of happiness

2) Euphoria

3) Peace

4) Confidence

5) Ability to manifest anything they desire by simply asking the universe to give it to them

The last of the above refers to something known as The Law of Attraction. The idea is that almost anything a person desires can be manifested by simply using the power of positivity to ask the universe to give it to them. If you google The Law of Attraction, you will come to find countless testimonies of people who have used the law of attraction to acquire wealth, fame and a variety of other things. The scary thing about this is that it works....